OSC Workforce - Most Recent Scottish Social Services Council Statistics

We are currently analysing the data from our most recent workforce survey- results will be published in May 2019. In the meantime, this blog will look at the Scottish Social Service Council’s most recent figures relating to the out of school care workforce which are taken from 'Children's Services Workforce 2017', published in January 2019.

Please note that the following statistics relate to individuals working in main-service out of school care services- it does not include out of school care services which are additional to another, e.g. a nursery with OSC.

4,850 workers were employed in 736 stand-alone out of school care services with an average of 5 workers in every OSC.

490 workers were employed in the public sector, 1830 in the private and 2530 were employed in the voluntary sector.

The average number of hours per week worked in OSC was 17.5, and the average age of worker was 34.

92% of workers worked part-time and 8% were full-time (more than 30 hours per week).

88% of the workforce were female and 12% were male.

Having compared the 2017 data with that from 2015 and 2016, there was little variance in the data across the years, but we wonder if that will remain the case for future reports with reference to the recruitment and retention issues which many OSC services are currently reporting.

View 'Children's Services Workforce 2017' (January 2019): https://data.sssc.uk.com/images/WDR/CSW/Childrens_Services_Workforce_2017.pdf

last updated: 15/04/2019