July 2020

SOSCN Summer update - note some urgent deadlines

image for newsletter 15 07 2020 header

Dear Colleagues

Congratulations to services re-opening or opening further this week, we wish you success and a lot of fun and happiness for children.

Scottish Government school age childcare survey

As a follow up to the launch of the Guidance for School Age Childcare in phase 3 - https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-reopening-school-age-childcare-services/ - The Scottish Government would really appreciate as many of you as possible to complete their specific school age childcare survey here:


We hope many of you complete this, either operating or not right now, as the questions cover many of the issues you raise with us.

Access to Childcare Fund

We want to remind you that the Access to Childcare Fund is open now and accepting applications up to 30th July 2020.


Outdoor Play Fund

Some charity services may be able to access this outdoor play fund, but the deadline is very soon!


Stories from the Frontline Update July 2020

You the out of school care sector we know have been delivering critical childcare, some for months now, others brought in to cover the school summer holidays.

Our Tales from the frontline project captures some of this amazing work:


Further information and reflections on the approaches that services have taken whilst open during the current COVID situation:

Stories from the Frontline Update July 2020 (Download pdf)

Education Scotland Survey

Education Scotland are also gathering information on those who have been delivering critical childcare and their survey is here.


We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes and contributing constructive representation on your behalf, as well as personally answering queries, gathering information, and ensuring you all know what is happening nationally. On a local level we have written again to Directors of Education asking about how they will consult with and support you, especially on access to premises, when schools re-open.

We anticipate that the end of July, when all guidance is updated again, will be another very busy time for us all. Between then and now, we will try to squeeze in some real breaks for us, especially those staff juggling their own childcare and family needs. Please bear with us, as there may be delays in responding to queries etc. in this coming fortnight.

For all of you, back on the frontline, or gearing up to restart, or patiently waiting for further guidance and clarity, do also try to enjoy our traditional summer time (and yes for now that looks like rain too!).

Irene, Andrew, Finlay and Greig

last updated: 15/07/2020