Caring for our Outdoor Spaces - new practitioner resource

Please find links below for information on the new practitioner resource, Caring for our Outdoor Spaces.

This resource has been developed by practitioners in response to feedback from the sector. It complements the current 'Out to Play' series that aims to support ELC and School Age Childcare practitioners to provide high quality outdoor play experiences for children.

This new chapter focusses on supporting practitioners to create safe, nurturing, and inspiring outdoor learning experiences which help foster a true love of the outdoors in our young people that stays with them for a lifetime. In so doing, the guidance assists practitioners to embed Learning for Sustainability in everyday play and learning. Through the guidance we consider ways to reduce the impact on biodiversity as a result of increasing children's time outdoors when in ELC or school age childcare and we promote children's exploration of the natural world.

“We know how important access to the outdoors is for children, and there is great work happening all over Scotland to enable that; in nurseries, in schools, in school age childcare, with childminders and play and youth work services. What I love about this new chapter of the Out to Play series is that it supports us to come together with the environment, as part of nature, not apart from nature. This really helps us to think deeper about outdoor play and learning and for that, it is an incredibly helpful resource.”

Mairi Ferris, Thrive Outdoors, Inspiring Scotland.

Caring for our Outdoor Spaces

last updated: 06/10/2023