Coronavirus Covid-19 Potential Impact on Out of School Care, Breakfast and Holiday Clubs

We know that this is an especially worrying time for the out of school care sector in terms of the potential to financially go under should schools and community venues closure means that they cannot operate and very quickly lose fee income to cover costs. We have been informed that many insurance companies are not including Covid 19 in coverage for closure etc.

I have written to the Minster for Children and Young People highlighting this financial viability issue in terms of something that must be considered when decisions are made about closing schools and workplaces.

We have also highlighted the negative impact on children and families in terms of those who currently access free or subsidised school meals, breakfast clubs and holiday food provision.

Furthermore even if facilities remain open, it may be difficult to provide a service due to staff absences.

At the moment everything seems very uncertain and unknown, however, we shall continue to update you on developments or plans as we find out.

In the meantime we would ask services to complete this short online survey so we can gauge the potential impact on the long-term sustainability of services should they have to temporarily close or should there be a high proportion of staff sickness and absence.

Survey on impact of Coronavirus measures on closure of services

This will take less than five minutes and give us vital information on behalf of services in Scotland.

last updated: 11/03/2020