SOSCN Documents - anti-bullying guidance. Copyright The Scottish Out of School Care Network 2024
anti-bullying guidance
Anti-bullying Policy Guidance for Out of School Care
1. Policy Context
A number of initiatives and policy documents are in place to support, protect and
encourage children and young people to lead happy and successful lives. These
policies have a direct influence on the creation of anti-bullying policies and procedures:
- A National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland’s Children and Young People
- Getting it Right for Every Child
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- Curriculum for Excellence
- Early Years Framework
- National Care Standards
- Equally Well
Please see references at end of this policy.
2. SOSCN Statement
The Scottish Out of School Care Network expects that all out of school care services
create a positive social environment which builds self esteem and confidence in
children and young people. Bullying behaviour will not be tolerated and positive
behaviour will be supported and maintained at all times within services.
3. Guiding Principles
- Taking the UNCRC as a basic and guiding principle we expect children to be
consulted and involved, and that their wishes will be respected and considered
when resolving any bullying issues.
- The out of school care service will build relationships and set up communication
channels with parents and other services which the children and young people
may come into contact with outside the OSC e.g. schools, after school activity
- The out of school care staff and management will take a pro-active approach to
promoting positive behaviour and continually raise awareness about anti-bullying
procedures and practice, including updating skills and undergoing training on a
regular basis.
4. Procedure
Bullying behaviour within the service
- Bullying behaviour within the service will not be tolerated- out of school care
services promote mutual respect and understanding.
- Should bullying behaviour be observed by, or reported to, staff they must discuss
the matter with all involved parties.
- The child(ren) displaying the bullying behaviour must be aware that there will be
consequences for their actions, and the child(ren) being bullied must be
reassured that the behaviour will not be repeated.
- The parent/carers will be informed in order that an agreed course of action can
be taken to help resolve the situation.
- Staff will continue to closely monitor the situation.
Bullying behaviour outwith the service
- If a child reports bullying outwith the out of school care service to staff or
management, the staff will listen to the child and then ask the child what action
they wish the OSC worker to take.
- The OSC must respect the wishes of the child, although if it is an issue of child
protection then the child will be informed that the matter must be reported.
5. Content
- Any out of school care anti-bullying policy should include all the 6 headings in this
guidance with information relevant to the out of school care service.
- The policy should provide a definition of what bullying is, and is not; whether it is a
one-off or repeated action. The definition should be as broad as possible:
“Bullying behaviour can be...” (See for further
- The policy should include a reassuring statement to children and parents that all
bullying incidents will be treated seriously; will be investigated in an objective
manner, and that an agreed course of action will be developed to create a
satisfactory resolution for all involved.
- The policy should also include any preventative measures e.g. buddy system,
discussions, projects, anti-bullying theme events, etc.
Additional Resources
- RespectMe
- Childline 0800 1111
- Parentline 0808 800 2222
- Enquire
- Enable Scotland
- Hands on Scotland
last updated: 11/05/17